Why Should you have your pictures taken professionally?


Hello Beautiful !

When was the last time you did a professional portrait session? Was it the day of your wedding day? The day your first child was born? For me it was 10 years ago. When I just started learning photography. My friend Jill which is a photographer took pictures of me while we were practicing together. I could not believe my eyes. I still remember the feeling and the excitement. It was the first time I had my pictures taken professionally since my childhood. I felt beautiful ! But before that I did not want my pictures taken because I didn’t feel good enough. I did not feel beautiful enough.

So it was at that moment that it became my mission , my passion and my goal to photograph every women that felt the same as I did and take images of them like they belong on a cover of a magazine .

Time is passing quickly. What will you find when you look back? what will your children find? anything else beside a couple selfies you have together?

Why you should do a professional photo shoot?

Oh I love seeing our selfies hanging on the wall SAID NO ONE! It's time to learn the value of having your pictures taken professionally. A portrait is so much more than just a simple image of you. It’s a celebration of who you are, a discovery and a legacy.

Are you a women that has been disconnected from your true self? you put yourself last and everyone else comes first?

Are you a women who has found love and is ready to celebrate?

A women who has lost love and is ready to find it within herself, for herself?

A women who looks in the mirror and doesn’t feel good enough? beautiful enough?

A women who just began to learn who she is ?

Then it’s a good time to see yourself in a different light. How you see yourself reflects on the daily aspects of your life.When you feel good, you look good. And when you look good, you feel good. And I am here to give you the most incredible photo shoot experience of your life. Either you decide to do a Boudoir shoot or you just want beautiful portraits of yourself, this year is your year. It’s time to celebrate yourself and who you are and unleash the goddess in you!

Here are some Before and After pictures of women just like you. They are not models. They are moms, daughters , sisters, business women, housewives and grandmothers just like you who realized it’s time to celebrate themselves and exist in photographs for themselves and for their loved ones.

Watch Infinity’s interview and story. Her WHY that she decided to do a professional photo shoot. :

Click the link below and schedule your consultation:

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Shadi Ameri

San Diego Portrait and Headshot Photographer with over 14 years experience in professional photography. Member of the Portrait masters. Award winning photographer. Member of the Sue Bryce mentor program. Style of photography elegant, classy and timeless.


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The huge difference between your selfie versus your professional pictures.