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The power of writing

It clears your mind for higher-level thinking:

David Allen which is a productivity speaker and author of Getting Things Done, recommends writing down your activity you need to address. it clears space in your head for more important things. It makes you more committed. As well as offering a space for exploring possibilities, writing our goals and ambitions down makes it more likely that we’ll achieve them. Writing down our goals is the first step towards making them a reality. It can also help us stay accountable. When you’ve outlined your SMART goal in writing, display it somewhere you can see for an extra shot of motivation. How many of you feel your life is going as planned? most of us don't feel that way but if you wonder how some people are living their dream life, well they drew the map and the baby steps how to get to the top of the mountain. The first step is having a clear vision of what you want. Look at the big picture every day until it gets stuck in your mind like you are already living it. Your subconscious mind will lead you to that direction without you even knowing it. I never knew one day I am going to be a photographer but I knew I wanted a carrier that allows me to be creative, create beauty and art so I wrote it down and put that out there. Then photography found me. I was happy and got glued to it. I didn't have a clear view though. I would go to Art galleries and think why am I so drawn to galleries? The path was new to me. It was exciting yet unknown. I started with wedding photography and continued growing and learning non stop with passion but I wasn't quite satisfied. Something was missing. I kept thinking and writing  to understand what is it that I really want to do in photography until finally I found it. It was clear to me that I wanted to be a portrait photographer that owns her own studio ( my studio is like my art gallery) so I drew the map. The map shows me the steps and my progress and that's what keeps me motivated to keep going . When we write things down, we have a chance to explore dreams and ambitions that we might not feel safe revealing to anyone else yet. We also have a space to keep track of all our ideas and desires so we can return to them later. 

It helps you process your emotions :

Writing down what's on your mind is a great way to work through inner conflict or process your feelings. It's a useful way of strengthening your self-soothing abilities and enhancing your self-knowledge. When I was in high school I started writing a Journal.  I would write whatever happened that day and it would really help me process things. Since then writing became like meditation for me. Have you ever been mad at someone and in your head there was a thousand things you wanted to tell them but you didn't know where to start or how to say it ? I know how that feels.Take a breath and write down your thoughts. Then you can hear yourself saying it .Sometimes you will even realize you better not say those things so you either feel better changing your mind or you'll find a better way of saying it. 

It helps keeping a record of your past:

Reading back through your journal provides a valuable insight into your thought process and emotional life. It reminds you of moments that you have forgotten and it increases your levels of gratitude. It also helps you feel more confident looking back and seeing how successfully you've traversed and dealt with important decisions in the past. 

It helps you think big

Writing things down gives you space to think big and aim high. No matter what’s going on in our outside world, when we write things down, we enter a world of possibility.Doing this helps us stay motivated, and it reduces the chance that we fall prey to self-limiting beliefs. (Even if we do, we can keep writing things down to process our feelings!)

I hope this was helpful and inspiring for you and you enjoyed it. Please share with your firends and comment below. Until next time :)

Much Love,
