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Happy 2018

This year I decided to add a blog about my personal life. I want my fans and followers get to know me better . Im going to be real and share my ups and my downs. I want to be an inspiration. I want to be the one you can relate and hopefully learn something from me. That would make me happy. I want to be more than someone you know that takes beautiful pictures. So here is my first blog of the new year. 

Jan 1st 2018- 10:30am

I woke up this morning and still in bed. I was checking Instagram and noticed a post from Jasmine Star. For those that don't know her, she used to be a wedding photographer but she switched to being a Business Strategist. I like her because she is real. She is not like everyone else these days that only wants to do business or show off their perfect life on social media. She teaches you things in life and that is what inspires me.

 I am going to share her post because It resignations with me and I can relate. I felt the same last year but starting today I want to let go of everything that made me unhappy and I didn't have control on. I want to surrender and let the universe take over. I want to accept all the good and bad and be ok with it. I want to grow. Surrender is my word of the year. 

  • jasminestarStarting 2018 with good coffee, good vibes, and good dreams ✨ To be honest, 2017 was a mix. Life in a blender...the peaks were jumbled with the lowest lows.
    So I hid. I poured myself into work, into staying busy all! the! time! If I kept moving (blending), I’d feel less.
    But this year, starting today, I don’t want less. I want to feel more. Joy...Fun...Success...Peace...Connection...Gratitude.
    Last night I realized that if I want to experience MORE, I must surrender. I need to let go of control.
    I want to feel every high and low, and accept them as equally important parts of my journey.
    My 2018 word of the year is: SURRENDER. I need to put my hands in the air and wave a white flag. I need to let go, and let God open my heart to endless opportunities of growth.
    I’m ready to accept what comes my way. And feel it all.

What is your word of the year? Cheers to a new start and a new year. Stay tuned for more stories and follow me on Instagram

